About me

Sato Endo


Teaches weekly group lessons at Yoga Coolhaven and Yoga studio Charles Hond, Rotterdam

Creates and performs in art, often collaborates with music composers, sound / visual art professionals

In my personal experience yoga has enabled me to come in dialogue with my body and myself. A number of times it reminded me to face challenging moments with optimism and effortlessness. Soon after I started taking lessons in my late 20s, I began to become aware of my states in a different way from before, especially when I was stressed or fatigued.
Yoga has supported me in managing those hard moments in life.
I encountered practices of Iyengar yoga while training as choreographer and performer. Through the profession I had developed a great interest in body and states of the body through which the mind of the person is expressed. The alignment work of Iyengar yoga has not only brought about senses of stability and balance, but it has made clear what my
personal limits and challenges are. Though continued yoga practice I am still experiencing increase in range of movement and ease in actions.
Harmony and intelligence that abides in yoga asanas inspire me to discover potentials that each person’s body uniquely has. This is how I began my path of teaching. I have received training from Nanda Peek, Berber Schönholzer, Willy Bok and Rita Poelvoorde.

1997   Finished Hata Yoga Instructor training in Tokyo

2005 - Teaches group lessons and private lessons based in Rotterdam

2016 - Iyengar yoga instructor (Introductory level)

2018  Co-founder of the Yoga Teachers Collective and the studio YOGA COOLHAVEN

2018   Iyengar yoga Intermediate Junior I instructor

講師 遠藤さと


Nanda Peek, 
Berber Schönholzer, Willy Bok, Rita Poelvoordeに師事

ロッテルダムの Yoga Coolhaven、
Yoga studio Charles Hond にて毎週グループレッスンのクラスを持つ。


1998年に渡欧し、Codarts (Rotterdam Dance Academy), P.A.R.T.S.(Brussels)にてコンテンポラリーダンスとコレオグラフィーを、DAS Theater and Arts (Amsterdam) にて身体芸術、映像、音を複合的に用いたパフォーマンスの演出と制作を学ぶ。

1997年    心とからだクリニカセンター(東京)にて、 ハタヨーガ初級インストラクターの資格を取得

2005年     ロッテルダムを中心に、グループレッスンおよびプライベートレッスンを指導開始

2016年-   アイアンガーヨーガ認定指導員 Introductory level 取得

2018年    NPO法人Yoga Teachers Collectiveに参加、 スタジオYOGA COOLHAVEN の共同主宰者となる

2018年   アイアンガーヨガ 認定指導員 Intermediate Junior I 取得

2022年8月 - 9月のレッスン予定

Link to English information ロッテルダム・セントラムでの ヨガレッスン日程  月曜  モーニングクラス   9:15-10:30  11:00−12:15  *ご都合の良い時間帯をお選びください。 8月21日まで夏休みとなります。 ...